Monday, April 25, 2005

filling in the holes

staring at the grass this weekend, i realized...only some of it /is/ grass...

so i decided to fill in with some seed. planted it so thick i can't see the mud

now to keep it wet...would ya believe i've got no sprinklers in the lawn, just a hose. so i thought about a timer, then long lunch breaks every day to come home and water...then i figured it: the roomie, the lazy, good-for-squat roomate...yes, the roomate

spent an hour training him: pull on the nozzle all the way so you get a spray, not a stream...get off the couch twice daily and get the job done...if he doesn't read this post maybe he'll actually do it

Friday, April 15, 2005

lookin around

i've been lookin' around, to see what needs writing. a stream-of-consciousness may not add much to the sphere, there is lots of that out there already.

a collection of really fine links would be nice, to all the great web resources. perhaps i'll mix my stream of consciousness with a collection of links to resources. then try to spruce up the place with some in-depth how-tos for planting grass, planting trees, growing from seed, and propagating from cuttings

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

more a journal

this is more a journal than a blog, to keep track of my successes and failures in the yard...

Monday, April 11, 2005
