Saturday, October 28, 2006

Boston Red Sox Spring Training

Most of you know that I'm from Florida. Oddly, when I tell people this, I tend to get a kind of shell-shocked, you've-got-to-be-kidding kind of look, like maybe they're thinking about the low-rent Florida.

And low rent Florida is out there for sure, but this isn't what I love about Florida. I love two things about Florida: 1) old central Florida, sprinkled with crystal springs; and 2) THE GRAPEFRUIT LEAGUE!

Nothing beats watching spring training in Florida. The combination of baseball overload with walks on the beach, sunset sails, and long cool canoe trips just can't be beat. In the spring, baseball is at its best, with a lazy intensity that only hints at the Series to come. Florida is at its best, too, not too hot yet but welcoming instead.

My family is a Red Sox family, so we always bought Boston Red Sox Spring Training tickets and watched Red Sox Spring Training. We went for seats near third base because my Dad was a shortstop and hoped I'd play there, although I never had the arm. I ended up at second instead.

Link: Boston Red Sox Spring Training tickets


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