The trivia blog
One question about the trivia blog: how could you get any more trivial than TangledWood? I mean, what could be more trivial than the American economy. A bunch of self-important Yahoos running around, trying to make money.
It aint easy, but they manage. Today was Kwanzaa facts, yesterday the Eiffel Tower, and the day before that hurrican naming. Who on earth writes this blog? Ken Jennings? The guy is boning up on a new subject every single day.
Contrast with my work schedule: up at dawn, outta bed, drag a comb across my head (trivia question: name the song), read the Wall Street Journal. Do a little work, then blog, blog, blog. I'd recommend the Trivia Blog for a nice break!
Link: no specific text required
It aint easy, but they manage. Today was Kwanzaa facts, yesterday the Eiffel Tower, and the day before that hurrican naming. Who on earth writes this blog? Ken Jennings? The guy is boning up on a new subject every single day.
Contrast with my work schedule: up at dawn, outta bed, drag a comb across my head (trivia question: name the song), read the Wall Street Journal. Do a little work, then blog, blog, blog. I'd recommend the Trivia Blog for a nice break!
Link: no specific text required

I have read the article and it seems that there's someone asking for a different kind of trivia.I'm not boasting but wanna have some pick with my trivia?It's fun I assure you.It will twist your mind from the most unexpected way.Gonna check this out!
I challenge you to a game of trivia! Click here to battle against me online at ConQUIZtador. Let's see who's the winner...
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