Friday, December 08, 2006

Business schools try to be clear: Haste laying waste to good writing

It is amazing that most people don't recognize the importance of good writing until they are in their 30s and 40s--when it is too late to change your writing ability very much. I think that by this age most folks have given enough presentations, begged for money enough times, had to fight for an idea enough times to know that writing isn't just important: it's practically the only thing that matters. Even somebody with mediocre ideas will be more likely to get them funded if he can explain them clearly and quickly to a large audience. But so few people are able to do this.

Like a dark and stormy night, bad writing has long shadowed the business world, from bureaucratese to mangled memos to the cliche-thick murk of corporatespeak...

Link: Business schools try to be clear: Haste laying waste to good ...


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