Sunday, October 15, 2006

Campaign Watch GOP doesn't get much lift from economy, a poll says

You know what? I voted GOP in the last election cycle and I'm kicking myself. Hard.

Look, it's true, the economy is OK and fortunately hasn't been destroyed by terrorist attacks. But it may yet be destroyed by these, there is no end in sight to military spending, the entitlements continue to suck away our country's economic lifeblood. In short, the Republicans aren't the fiscal conservatives they claim to be. They seem to be a bunch of free-spending war-mongers. So. Having a so-so economy isn't going to cut it.

... has been rising, gas prices dropping, and the federal deficit falling, polls show that Bush and his party are not getting much credit for steering the economy. ...

Link: Campaign Watch GOP doesn't get much lift from economy, a poll says


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