Monday, January 22, 2007

Now Internet Code to Protect Privacy

This effort is pretty funny because it is so transparently pointless:

Microsoft, Google, Yahoo!, and Vodafone have signed an agreement with online activists, human rights groups, and press freedom groups to draw up an Internet code of conduct to protect free speech and privacy of Web users. These four companies will together develop a code of conduct with a coalition of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to promote freedom of expression and privacy rights. Besides, they will establish a set of rules that will govern how they deal with censorship and other restrictions on human rights.
Can you imagine working for a powerhouse like Google and being assigned to the "New Internet Code of Conduct" effort? Just imagine the absolute derision of your co-workers, most of whom are working on worthwhile or at least potentially worthwhile projects!

Link: Now Internet Code to Protect Privacy


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