I found another cool site that has apparently stolen one of my business ideas! Handyhouseholdhints.com provides DIY advice for home owners, renters, and car owners, allowing them to make their own
home repairs,
remodeling, and
home makeover.
My father was an old-time, traditional
DIY man. By this I mean that he had all the tools and knowledge necessary to keep our car running, no web site needed, thank yo very much. This type of man--a real man with a garage full of tools and the know-how to do basically anything--is fast disappearing. Oh, I still know a few, but certainly they are endangered.
I...well, I am the son of an old-time traditional DIY man. I'm a guy who likes to do everything myself but often doesn't have the tools. And I rarely have the know-how.
Handyhouseholdhints.com fills that gap. From the basics like
painting and wallpapering to advanced topics like
decks and
flooring, this site can tell you how to do it. The breadth of topics and categories covered by the site is just amazing.
So, what did I do this weekend? I
changed my own oil. No big deal, you say? Well, it was for me. My wife is an inveterate oil-change-service visitor, and this habit has cost me a lot of money over the years. But she's always countered my argument by simply pointing out that I don't know how to do it. Well, now I do. The instructions on the site were as simple and clear as can possibly be asked, and in the end the job didn't take long at all.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Handyhouseholdhints.com's '$50,000 Extreme Home Makeover' contest, which can be used to remodel your kitchen, deck, bathroom, bedroom, family room, any room or rooms you want! I'm entered already!
home repairs